I know this is what you do for a living and its your job. But so do so many others who work as doctors and neurologists etc and none of them offered me any real genuine concern or kindness but instead ridicule and outright hostility. There isn’t anything I can do to adequately thank you for your genuine care and the kindness you have shown me. Even if the splint had not had any effect on my symptoms, your genuine concern would still have been more help than I had received from anyone else and would have made me feel encouraged. You are just a very good human.
If you are looking for a dental office that is cheerful and inviting, where the staff are highly trained and pleasant, the dentists provide best practice dental care, are experienced and familiar with the latest technologies, all the staff are either handsome or beautiful, and especially if you get headaches or your children have munted smiles, then this is the place for you.